It is this love of and this potential of writing that I would very much like to share with you.
Writing for Wellbeing is an overarching term used for therapeutic writing, although it is not therapy per se. Writing is different from talking. Writing creates a pathway to memories, feelings, and thoughts you did not know you had. Lifting the hand to the page, we turn to ourselves, attuning to ourselves. I find this a beautiful moment.
Sometimes just using these prompts with you: ‘I am…; I think…; I want…; I believe…; if only…; what if…is quite powerful, and then we talk over the answers gently, informally.
There are no shoulds, oughts, or correct ways – there is only your way of writing.
My pledge to you.
The creative process of writing with me is rewarding (often exciting and fun), it will always increase your self-confidence and self-esteem. Discussions around your pieces of writing will have depth and significance. You can create whatever you wish, achieve your heart’s desire; fulfill every ambition through your words, use your imagination; flex and stretch it, and give it exercise. It is boundless. Nothing is impossible with your pen.
Together, everything is possible.
I love integrating my professional and personal experience to support others to discover their innate creativity and self-expression through writing.
You can discover, explore, clarify, and connect with the present.
It is a way of grasping experiences that seem otherwise lost in the depths of the mind. Issues, ideas, and inspirations you are aware of, but are almost impossible to say, can often be expressed in writing. Writing helps you work on things. It stays there on the page in the same form. It doesn’t go away and so it can be worked on.